Man Time

Mar 7, 20192 min

Dads with Daughters, this is the night you need.

Dads are become more involved with their children than ever before. For fathers, sons are reasonably straight forward as you can draw from your own experiences growing up. However what if you have a daughter? Suddenly you are in a position of needing to learn about all sorts of things that probably weren't shared with you in your youth. Whilst Man Time's Daddy Daughter Night might not shed light on all things small female related, it will help with one of life's bigger mysteries. How do you do your daughter's hair without screams of pain, anger or a condescending "that's alright dear, I'll just do it"?

Why even bother?

First: Some of us don't have a choice. With an increase in single dad's, there is no-one else available at times.

Second: It is a game changer in your relationship with your daughter.

The reality is daughter's love the fact that their dad can do hair. You will see the look of pride on their face when someone compliments them on their hair and they beam back, "Dad did it." You also have quality, screen free time with them whilst you do their hair. This is the time that you can ask them about what is going on with them, and have a real conversation, where your attention is on each other.

What is Daddy Daughter Night?

Daddy Daughter Night is a Man Time Grooming & Barber Shop initiative. Central Coast Dads bring their daughters along for one hour to become hair aware. We go through managing your daughter's hair, from tear free de-tangling. to ponytails, plaits and braids. The nights have been hugely successful, with daughters and dads really enjoying the night and the practice afterwards. We have also found that some dads have organised to come as a group. The night is $45 and includes a take home toiletry bag with brushes, combs and ties valued at over $25.

More information here. or call 0243395823
